
James Pugh
B: 1977-04-13
D: 2025-03-21
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Pugh, James
Donald Shepherd
B: 1942-06-16
D: 2025-03-21
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Shepherd, Donald
August Peters
B: 1930-10-24
D: 2025-03-20
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Peters, August
Daniel Moody
B: 1940-01-01
D: 2025-03-17
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Moody, Daniel
Jerome Jefferson
B: 1961-02-11
D: 2025-03-14
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Jefferson, Jerome
Regina Seagriff
B: 1955-06-26
D: 2025-03-13
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Seagriff, Regina
Sarah Bertrand
B: 1944-03-22
D: 2025-03-12
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Bertrand, Sarah
James Emmons
B: 1948-10-06
D: 2025-03-04
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Emmons, James
Madeline Keaton
B: 1926-08-27
D: 2025-03-03
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Keaton, Madeline
Etta Moody
B: 1951-11-15
D: 2025-03-01
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Moody, Etta
Tommy Burton
B: 1946-09-26
D: 2025-02-25
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Burton, Tommy
Sara Bell
B: 1941-08-10
D: 2025-02-22
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Bell, Sara
Faye Marshall
B: 1932-08-15
D: 2025-02-21
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Marshall, Faye
Raymond Myers
B: 1938-08-10
D: 2025-02-20
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Myers, Raymond
Betty Flynn
B: 1935-03-13
D: 2025-02-19
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Flynn, Betty
Dorothy Hansel
B: 1945-08-09
D: 2025-02-14
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Hansel, Dorothy
Nancy Giles
B: 1932-06-07
D: 2025-02-13
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Giles, Nancy
Freda Sears
B: 1931-06-21
D: 2025-02-12
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Sears, Freda
Ruth Brown
B: 1939-04-26
D: 2025-02-09
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Brown, Ruth
Margaret De Iulio
B: 1938-03-24
D: 2025-02-08
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De Iulio, Margaret
C. Mulberry
B: 1950-09-02
D: 2025-02-03
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Mulberry, C.


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641 S. Broadway
Phone: 502-863-3550
Fax: 502-603-8298

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December 27, 2016
D. Grant Bolt, CFSP, co-owner of Johnson's Funeral Home, qualified for re-certification of Certified Funeral Service Practioner (CFSP) by the Academy of Professional Funeral Service Practice.


November 18, 2016
Please join us for a "Time of Remembrance" memorial service, on Sunday, December 4, 2016 at 2 PM at Johnson's Funeral Home.  We will honor those that we have served during this past year.

July 2, 2016
Toney Chaney, co-owner of Johnson's Funeral Home, began his second term on the Board of Directors for the Central Kentucky Funeral Limousine Association. 

July 1, 2016
D. Grant Bolt, CFSP, co-owner of Johnson's Funeral Home, began his term at President of the Georgetown Rotary Club.  The Georgetown Rotary Club is a part of Rotary Club International, which a civic organization that brings people together to promote peace and goodwill.  Rotary is the leader in helping to eliminate the Polio virus.

The Georgetown Rotary Club meets on Tuesday's at 12 PM, at the Scott County Library.  If interested in joining the Rotary, please contact Grant for information.

June 30, 2016
D. Grant Bolt, CFSP, co-owner of Johnson's Funeral Home was elected as Central District Director of the Funeral Director's Association of Kentucky (FDAK) at it's annual Convention in Louisville.  Grant has served on the FDAK Board of Directors for the past three (3) years and is looking forward to serving again in the 2016-2017 year. 

March 23, 2016
Johnson's Funeral Home is proud to present a Life Saving Initiative to Scott County and Central Kentucky.  Vital Ice, provides a platform on which to list your (and your dependent's, if applicable) vital medicinal information, such as blood type, allergies, medications, medical history, ICE contacts and much more.  This information will then be readily available to EMS and other First Responders when they need it most.  Please Download the App and enter the code 3550 to start using today.

December 1, 2015
Johnson's Funeral Home will be holding its annual "Time of Remembrance" Memorial Service on Sunday, December 6, 2015 at 2 PM.  The service will be held at Johnson's Funeral Home.

November 27, 2015
D. Grant Bolt, CFSP, co-owner of Johnson's Funeral Home, qualified for recertification of the designation of Certified Funeral Service Practitioner (CFSP), by the Academy of Professional Funeral Service Practice.  

A select few have distinguished themselves among their peers within the funeral service profession as they continue to exceed the highest standards of care.  This achievement is especially notable because Grant has voluntarily elected to participate in education and service opportunities that far surpass what the Kentucky state licensing board requires. 

Information about Academy membership and certification may be obtained by contacting the Academy of Professional Funeral Service Practice, Inc, 770-646-8988 or www.

October 19-20, 2015
D. Grant Bolt, CFSP, co-owner of Johnson's funeral Home, attended the National Funeral Director's Association (NFDA) National Convention in Indianapolis, IN.

As a District Director for the Funeral Directors Association of Kentucky (FDAK), Grant served as a Delegate at the NFDA delegate meeting and elections.  In addition, while attending the meeting, Grant had the opportunity to meet with vendors, learning new ways and products to better serve the families of Scott County.

August 3, 2015
In response to the need and requests for a community grief support group, there will be support offered the 2nd Monday evening (7 PM) and 2nd Tuesday (11 AM) of each month, beginning August 10th and 11th.  This group, beginning in August will meet at Crossroads Christian Church, 1696 Oxford Drive.

Sharon Alexander, with Johnson's Funeral Home, will lead this group with understanding and compassion and invites you to share your grief story and be a part of this healing and uplifting group.

July 16, 2015
D. Grant Bolt, co-owner of Johnson's Funeral Home, was elected President-Elect of the Rotary Club of Georgetown.  The Rotary Club meets weekly at 12 PM at the Golden Corral in Georgetown.  Learn more about Rotary International at .

July 1, 2015
Toney Chaney, co-owner of Johnson's Funeral Home, Georgetown, KY, began his service on the Board of Directors for the Central Kentucky Funeral Limousine Association.


365 Days of Healing

Grieving doesn't always end with the funeral: subscribe to our free daily grief support email program, designed to help you a little bit every day, by filling out the form below.